Neteris has recently been recognized as an Amazon Web Services SELECT Partner.

  • This recognition demonstrates the knowledge, experience and capability of Neteris in accompanying its clients on their migration path to the cloud.

Madrid, September 15, 2022. Neteris a company with a clear orientation to the cloud and specialized in the digitalization and optimization of IT environments, has recently been recognized by Amazon Web Services – AWS, as a SELECT Partner.

This recognition has quite important implications since AWS is recognizing that the 2 basic pillars for Neteris to be able to respond to the needs of its customers have been met:

  • Knowledge (certifications).
  • Experience (projects in production).

In record time, Neteris has managed to deploy a Cloud Center of Excellence that has orchestrated the necessary processes for AWS to recognize compliance with the aforementioned pillars.


Through the certifications required by AWS, as the main piece to be able to understand the needs and develop an optimal architecture that meets the guidelines set by the AWS architectural best practices framework, the AWS Well Architected Framework.

The aim is to acquire knowledge of cost optimization, security, performance, operations and reliability, which implies that the architectures designed will offer the highest possible performance at the lowest cost, with the highest level of security and reliability, with the simplest and most agile operation possible.


It is not only enough to obtain the necessary certifications, but it is also necessary to demonstrate that they can be applied to real cases, so this recognition implies the confirmation that a specific number of projects have been successfully carried out in the Amazon cloud with a certain volume.

In the case of Neteris, they have been able to help clients of very different typologies, from startups to logistics companies, including companies in the financial sector.

However, this is only the first step, since Neteris is still committed to advance in the pillars of knowledge and experience in order to expand its portfolio of cloud services and to be able to replicate the current success stories in the rest of its customers and continue its journey. to become a major reference within the AWS Partner ecosystem.

Juan Manuel Grajera (Managing Partner of Neteris) comments: “Obtaining this recognition reinforces our strategy of offering our clients the best technologies on the market, and building on them, solutions that generate value for their businesses”.

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